Saturday, March 1, 2008


OK, I had a mean case of the flu and I was in bed for a week and 1/2 so here are the new dates for the survey and free gifts:

  • They are ready, they just need to be typed and sent out so, they'll be sent out today, March 1, 2008.
  • The earlybird bonuses are available if you get the completed survey back to me by Tuesday, March 3 at midnight (technically, Wednesday)
  • The deadline to subscribe is Saturday, March 8.
  • The final deadline for all surveys is Monday, March 10 by midnight.
Sound good?

Cool. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Attention Online Business Builders: Fill Out A Survey And Get Free Internet Marketing/ Web 2.0 Marketing Products+Free Website Contest!

Urgent! Don't Skip This One, There's Free Stuff For You AND A Cool Contest!

I have a very important favor to ask you and if you're willing to participate in a little research I need to accomplish in order to give you exactly what you want and need to continue to grow or properly prepare your online business, I will compile a robust package of free materials full of relevant knowledge as a thank you gift.

You may or may not be aware of the steadily increasing number of places online where I hang my hat. I also have several newsletters available depending on interest as well. The biggest challenge I'm faced with, since I finally got the time to get my Wordpress blog with it's own domain name up and running, is my poor neglected blog collection over at At the time, I felt the need to separate due to the conflict of affiliate marketers and network marketers that exists sometimes.

It's silly, really, because you can do both.

I started out as an affiliate marketer which was great but no residual income. I wasn't really looking for a network marketing opportunity when something too good fell in my lap. I immediately saw potential to use the network marketing product itself to do great things with my affiliate sites.

Nowadays, I am much more active promoting my network marketing product and opportunity just because I have set up my "Web 2.0 Empire" in such a way that, while I am busy with the web social marketing blueprint (I can't wait to give away the 5 copies to the lucky subscribers) I automatically have leads generating pretty much on autopilot every day.

The thing is, I honestly feel that the web 2.0 empire content would benefit my other subscribers, especially those just starting out.

You see, in both affiliate marketing and network marketing terms, this method of creating a "trail of breadcrumbs" all over the Internet leading back to YOU is going to help you in so many ways and jump start a lot of the momentum building in much less time than it usually takes.

What I need from you, in return for a big fat pile of ebooks (I only pass on things that I have personally read myself and found useful) of which a lot of what I have for you is resale rights I've purchased to give to my subscribers and not just a bunch of junk I got for free, is this:

I would like you to answer some questions for me so that I can better understand where my readers are at so that I can deliver the most appropriate content to you.

Remember, the web social newsletter subscribers are actually receiving portions of what is going to be part of the package when the "How To Build Your Web 2.0 Empire: Complete Step By Step Blueprint" is finished.

I want this product to be blow your mind awesome. It's either all or nothing with me. While I work on this project, I don't want any of my subscribers other than the web social to be missing out on this marketing goldmine wide open and ready for you to embrace, master, and let it blow your doors right off when you see what can happen.

But I also want to be sure that I'm still providing what everyone wants and needs.

I would really like to add some categories to my web 2.0 empire blog for affiliate marketing and network marketing as social media relates to them respectively. In other words, consolidate and let go of one or 2 of the blogger blogs.

See, this is something that every single one of you can do regardless of technical skills (I have video screen captures for anything even a little tricky. I promise I'll never become "too cool" that I forget what it was like to be a newbie who didn't know what HTML meant) and it can be done at your own pace. I'll even help you guys out (more on this later).

If you still need more incentive to fill out a short survey for me in exchange for a pile of free stuff, I'd like to make this into a little contest.

In order to build your Web 2.0 Empire, it is recommended that you have a well-built, informative website at the center of it all. This is your online "store" or your "headquarters" at the heart of your business development structure. You can use a blog instead but a blog is meant to be a more personality revealing thing and a blog can really be an SEO powerhouse for a website.

Now, I'm not talking about your company website if you're a network marketer or one of those free promo sites you can get. I mean content, structure, and listbuilder/leads generation machine.

If any of my subscribers (if you aren't a subscriber yet and happen to find yourself here, feel free to join the fun. You can subscribe to the web 2.0 marketing email course, answer the questions, and you're in) who:

  • Have a theme idea or legitimate product and opportunity
  • A genuine interest and determination to build a business online
  • A willingness to put forth the effort
  • The desire to learn and put what is learned into action
...BUT, do not yet have a website because they don't know how to build it, I will personally either build a simple yet effective website for you or I will bring you to my private online meeting room where you can see screenshots and share files with one another and walk you through it. It's your choice.

I've already stated that I would build home base websites for new members to my network marketing team as well, provided they show willingness to really work.

I love to help people more than anything however, I will not tolerate anyone trying to waste my time. I am extremely busy but I do have students that I am available to daily and presently, I have room for some new ones.

So, in order to be considered to win the one on one tutoring or have a website built for you, you need to of course complete the survey here and secondly, you need to call me directly so that I can ask you some questions and get a firm grasp on your intentions and goals. You can find my contact information here.

Just to be perfectly clear, EVERYONE who fills out the survey gets the free ebook package (I may even throw in a few videos if your answers are thoughtful and thorough) as long as you're subscribed.

Onward to the survey!

Anyone subscribed already or anytime before 02/26/2008, one week from today, will be receiving the survey in their email. You will have until 02/30/2008 to get them back to me completed as best you can. As soon as I examine the results, I will compile the ebook package according to majority demand for topics to include. Same deadlines for the website contest as well so don't be shy, give me a call!

Early bird bonus!!!

In order to encourage less chance of a last minute flood of surveys and a giant pile of work at once, if you can get me those surveys on or before this Friday, Feb. 22, 2008, at 12 midnight EST-I will give you an extra bonus:
  • I will do individual feature posts for all the early bird survey people and feature your website including a brief synopsis of what you're about and I'll submit those posts to all of the social bookmarking sites that I use.
  • I will do 3 free 1 hour training sessions with you, whenever your schedule permits, where you can ask me about whatever you're struggling with.
  • You will be entered a second time into the drawing for one of the 5 free "Web 2.0 Empire Course" which will be distributed right before official release.
Thanks in advance to all who participate and I look forward to working with some of you individually.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Affiliate Marketing – Highly Cost Effective, Highly Efficient

The Internet has fast become an efficient and trusted way for companies to market and sell their product. One of the reasons for this has been the rise of “Affiliate Marketing” - which is when a website directs traffic to itself through various traffic generation techniques. Affiliate marketing either pays the affiliate through a pay-per-lead program (the affiliate receives money every time an lead comes to the merchant's website) or a pay-per-sale program (the affiliate receives commission every time a posted advert on their site generates an actual sale or subscription.) Generally, the pay-per-sale program is the tried and trusted form of affiliate marketing used.

Affiliate marketing began just four years after the world wide web was launched, originally popularized by well known companies such as Clickbank or Google’s Adsense is also a very well known type of affiliate marketing, but is not really considered as true affiliate marketing as the adverts usually centers around the theme of the website they are displayed (known more as contextual advertising.) Google does not also directly sell a specific product, but generates money in other ways.

Affiliate marketing is highly cost-effective, and in effect costs both the advertiser and the affiliate nothing, while having the potential of bringing in a very large form of income for both parties. While pay per click (or cost-per-click) mentioned above can present a risk to the advertiser, the cost-per-sale (CPS) system has very little or no risk at all for both parties, and is therefore preferred.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Article Marketing

If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. This is the "author bio" that is below your article body and it's also known as your "SIG" (short for SIGnature).

Here are the essential items that should be in your RESOURCE BOX:

  • Your Name: You'd be amazed at how many folks forget to include their name in the RESOURCE BOX. Your name and optional title should be the first thing in your resource box.

  • Your Website Address: in valid URL form. Example:

  • Your Elevator Pitch: This is 1 to 3 sentences that encapsulates the essence of what makes you and your offering unique. Also known as your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).

  • Your Call To Action: You've got them warmed up and now it's time to lead them to BUY from you or visit your website. This is where you "Ask For The Sale." Best to only give (1) specific call to action.

Here are some optional items you could include in your RESOURCE BOX:

  • Your Ezine Subscription Address: While getting your interested visitor to surf your website is nice, capturing their email address can help you begin the confidence/trust process. If you're going to do this strategy, include a URL for your ezine subscription address and do not use an email address for the "join" address.

  • Your Contact Information: Such as your business phone number or how to reach you for interviews or your press/media kit. Keep in mind that article marketing is a timeless strategy and you may not have an easy ability to retract what you put in your article once it hits major distribution.

  • A Free Report: This could also be part of your call to action or your free bonus report that further enhances your credibility as the expert on the topic of your article.

  • Your email autoresponder: I'm not a big fan of this strategy due to the fact that spammers will text-extract your autoresponder address and add it to their spam list. Perhaps this strategy was best for the 1990's and has now run its course.

  • An anchor URL that is related to one keyword or keyword phrase that you want to build SEO strength for. Example: if I wanted to build search engine relevance/strength for the term "Article Marketing," I'd link up that term in my resource box to my website. This is an intermediate to advanced level strategy and should not be abused by over-doing it. Keep it simple.

What NOT to include in your RESOURCE BOX:

  • A listing of every website you own. There is no faster way to dilute your credibility than by posting a half dozen irrelevant URLs that have nothing to do with each other. Best to only post ONE URL that is related to the topic of your article.

  • A listing of every accomplishment you've achieved to date. No one cares. Keep your resource box brief and to the point. Yes, your resource box should be benefit oriented so that the reader finds value in reading it rather than your ego being justified.

  • Advertisements or pitches for products that are not relevant to the topic of your article.

  • Keep the size of your resource box so that it's no larger than 20% of your total article size. Too often I see resource boxes that are 50% of the size of the total article and this is abusive.

Your Perfect Resource Box Conclusion:

The BODY of your article is where you "GIVE" and the RESOURCE BOX is where you get to "TAKE" for your article marketing gift of information. The resource box is the "currency of payment" you receive for giving away your article. Be sure to include your name, website address, your unique selling proposition as briefly as possible and a simple call to action.

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic expert author community. When you submit your articles to, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Keyword Research Tools For Free.

To add to my6 last post, I wanted to share the free and easy keyword research tools that I use to find my keyword phrases.

First, you want to try to find 3-4 word phrases with high search volume, enough that people are actually looking for them.

Next, you've got to make sure to actually look at the first 10-20 results and see if there is room for improvement. Usually there is.

Try to register your domain with your main keyword phrase within it. If need be, use hyphens, for example

Make a list of a ton of related keyword phrases that you can use interchangeably for anchor text within your content.

Here are the 2 tools I use (in order of importance)

Google Keyword Research Tool
Good Keywords
SEO Book Keyword Research Tool

Now get to researching and don't forget to look at your competition.


P.S. If there are plenty of people paying for advertising, you've got a profitable keyword phrase. Also, competition is a great thing.

Click Here To See What To Do Next

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why is keyword research so important?

Why is keyword research so important?

Well, even if you're doing affiliate marketing, you'll need to find a way to reach your target market. There are so many websites out there peddling their wares that you need to find a niche within a niche in order to find a small group of people who are actively searching for whatever you have to offer.
This is especially true in the world of home business opportunities and information products.

For example, your main keyword cannot be "Home Business" or "Internet Marketing" when you are starting out with your new home business. There are too many big companies out there competing for those keywords who have tons of advertising money and have been around for a while.

Think about your interests and your strengths.

You want your website to reflect on topics that you have researched or learned through experience. Is there something you've always wanted to learn? Something you are an expert on? Something you're really interested in?

Figure out what your going to make your website about and then research the possible keywords you could use. Make sure you check out your competition and see how you could give your target market something different.
Give them something more than they're currently finding on the Internet.
When you're doing your research, don't be afraid to dig really deep and find out what your market wants that they're not already able to find. This is going to be your long term strategy. You want your site to be content filled and resourseful enough that you won't have any trouble getting other webmasters to do link exchanges with you.

Let's do a little brainstorming.

Let's say that you're an affiliate marketer. You need to think like someone who is searching for what you have to offer. Let's say you're selling an information product about starting a home based business. This can be a really hard niche to get noticed in because there are so many information products out there and there are so many affiliate opportunities out there.

So, you can narrow your topic down to your area(s) of expertise.

* Have you tried different methods of running your business without success? make your website about what NOT to do when starting a home based business.
* Are you a techie? Make your website a how to website for the more technical aspects of home business set up.
* Are you a master at creating website design? make your website a how to for home business entrepreneurs who want to have their own website.
* Are you a people person? Get into network marketing and make your website about techniques network marketers can use when prospecting.

Even if your not an expert yet, find a topic that interests you and get to researching it!

If you plan out your business before creating your first website, you'll save a lot of time and money. Whatever it is that you want to do, you'll find plenty of learning resources on the Internet. Just remember to be careful out there.

There are a lot of "companies" selling information that can be found for free on the Internet. I am always adding new free resources for Newbie affiliate marketers, because you are their prime target. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter. before you leave here today.

With that said, there are also some really good products out there if you want to learn something in detail. For example, I really wanted my business to get a head start and I found an awesome full course on Internet Marketing (after buying a couple of other 'newbie targeted' products that were junk). I also wanted to get a thorough education on website design and found a great product for that as well. Those are just some examples of things that I wanted to have some know how on and I found it.

There are resources on the Internet for just about any subject you could ever want to learn about. Just be aware of the 'expert competition' that's already out there.

One thing I found when researching the "Home Business" niche is that a lot of people are just parading their opportunities on a website with a good domain name.
If you set out to help people rather than make a quick buck, I promise you that you'll have far greater results.

Lets Start Search Engine Optimization